Sunday, February 21, 2010

Gotta love technology

This week has been an exciting week for the Fire + Spice. InfoGenesis, which is the system we use in the restaurant had an upgrade that was completed on Tuesday night. Unfortunately, with this upgrade came a horrible nightmare for the restaurant. Apparently our computer system was not compatable with the new upgrade so we were without a system to track our revenue for about 3 days. This brought about so many different issues and problems for both the restaurant and our hotel.

The very first thing that went wrong was the lack of communication. We did not know about the upgrade, and therefore we were not prepared for the system going down. Then once it did go down (and not come back up) we were like deers in the headlights. It took about a day to shift gears and bring out the old 'knuckle buster' (the manual credit card reader), but through communication and collaboration we were able to get a system in place to ensure the least amount of leakage in revenue.

Something that this event showed me is the need to always have a back-up plan. As with many industries, things change and shift everyday and it is imperative to be able to be flexible in how things are done.

Disclaimer: The purpose of this blog is to document a college internship experience. Content published on this blog represents the author’s ideas, opinions, and experience. This does not necessarily represent the views of the internship organization.

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